
jeudi 19 juillet 2018

Finding A Leader In The 23rd Congressional District Elections

By Thomas Nelson

People used to be nomads. In fact, for the majority of human existence, humanity moved around the world, going from place to place, doing their thing with all the hunting and gathering in order to keep on surviving. But then one person in a single tribe had the idea to settle down. But that never would have happened if the tribal leadership had not allowed. The one individual could have huffed and puffed to the high heavens about the benefits of agriculture, but it would not have mattered. Were not for whoever was in charge seeing the benefits of settling down, the idea to grow food and raise livestock likely would have never spread. Which is why the leaders within a given community are important, so it important to choose wisely, so voting in the 23rd congressional district Texas elections is of utmost importance.

There are certain things that a person is expected to do, certain milestones that society dictates that a person must reach. First, they are supposed to cry out after leaving the birth canal, just to signal to onlookers and parents that they are in fact alive and did not come out into the world having already left it. They are expected to grow, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

There is a reason that leaders are needed. The fact of the matter is that individuals may not have the best interests of the whole in mind. This is because for a lot of people, their own personal needs must come before those of anyone else. So they do not know any better. A leader is supposed to know better.

Democracy is a system in which that leader comes from the people. The idea behind it is that the candidate who wins the office will be more in tune with the struggles of everyday living. This supposed affinity for struggling thus makes a person better qualified to leading the people, the ones who are engaged in the struggle.

The first thing that a person must do in order to vote is to be eligible to do so. First, they have to be of a certain age, around 18 or at least will be 18 on the day of the election itself. Then they must register with their local governments as voters.

Candidates are people. As such, they are flawed. These flaws can manifest in ways that are disastrous if in office. The power that comes with an elected position can be the kind of thing that seduces a person into acts of impropriety.

But the main talking point of a candidate will the issues that affect a given community. The thing is, most individuals are not going to know a thing about the intricacies of those issues, so a candidate will be able to talk circles around the heads of most voters. They sound smart, so the constituency thinks they are, so they get votes. A good way to circumvent is do a little research regarding a certain issue, and then try to spread that information around to as many other voters as possible.

However, the most vital thing for a citizen to do in an election is to actually show up to the polls. The lines are long, that is true enough. But the end result means that maybe the best person qualified actually gets the job.

Being alive means having to make choices. The clothes that are worn, the food that is eaten, even the job that is worked at. But the individuals who lead may be the most important choice of all.

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