
mercredi 15 juillet 2015

Why Should You Eat Healthy Organic Meals Charleston SC

By Phyllis Schroeder

Although it may seem like a new trend, controlling what one consumes is age old. Healthy organic meals Charleston SC have actually been packaged in a new way for the modern world. It is all about eliminating the synthetic food we have come to rely on heavily, which has wreaked havoc with our well-being. What difference does it really make after all?

We have all forgotten what nature had intended food to be. It has been over-processed to the point of being devoid of taste and flavor. You can follow a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables protein and fish, fiber and dairy products, and still not have a quality meal. At least not as much as organic fare would provide.

Eating from the basic food groups is wise counsel. It is nutritious to be sure. But beyond this, if you go organic, you add a degree of freshness and naturalness not available in most stores. Natural food is fertilizer and pesticide free. It uses eco-friendly crop farming with only natural methods of harvesting. There is nothing synthetic about it.

While processed food has been deemed universally bad for you, organic food is more than this. Yes there are no artificial additives in it, but it is also hormone and chemical free. Only with natural do you know your produce is pesticide free and you will not become ill as a result. Think of your children's growth potential and you will know what we mean. Who knows what radiation can cause in the young.

While food is regulated by the government and there are strict standards of quality, they often miss important additives. The government does not really care how crops are grown. They control very little when it comes to what goes on your table. They usually react after the fact to contamination or spoilage.

Who doesn't want to get the most vitamins and minerals possible? Natural food fills the bill. Genetic engineering is meant to enhance appearance, not retain nutrients. Thus there are reasons to go organic: better nutrition and better, more natural taste. You also avoid the risks associated with market produce, which is full of chemicals if left unwashed. Thus, natural eating is likely to impact longevity in adults, and growth in children.

Respecting the land entails eschewing man-made chemical fertilizers and other harmful products that can pollute the soil and seep into the ground water, affecting the population for miles around. Chemicals in the soil are not easy to eradicate, nor is soil erosion. Pesticide-free farming is also cost-effective in that natural fertilizer is cheaper than man-made. It is further eco-friendly in its lower usage of energy. It is a win-win for all.

So it is a matter of pride that organic farmers offer food that is rich in nutrients and has been produced only with the help of Mother Nature. It is preservative free and as far from synthetic as it can be. Health risks are diminished and you can eat as much as you want. It tastes fresher and better and will not harm your health. Toxin-free food is a simple concept, but one that is taking modern life by storm.

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