
mercredi 14 octobre 2015

How To Survive Marietta Atlas Chalet Shingles Problems

By Andrew B. Spates

The roof of your home must continue to look good for many years while it remains impervious to bad weather. When the Marietta Atlas Chalet Shingles were offered with a 20-year warranty it seemed the perfect choice: that is, until the trouble started. Rain and sun quickly combine to ruin its appearance and also break it down so water can penetrate to the interior of your home.

The original concept and design of this innovative product was stunning, while the 30-year warranty did a lot to popularize this product. Many homeowners felt confident they were making a good choice by installing this untried roofing material Unfortunately, the manufacturer is not living up to these generous guarantees and is trying to weasel out of any responsibility.

If you were one of those who fell for this scam, you need to take action, even if your roof still looks great. Insurance companies regard this material as a poor risk, and some are even cancelling policies. Apart from this factor, your roof could start leaking unexpectedly with the potential to cause extensive damage to the interior of your home.

One option is to claim against the warranty, but your chances of success following this route are slim. Besides, you still need to replace your roof even if it seems fine because it could start giving trouble and is virtually uninsurable. Joining the Class action suit seems to be the best way to go, especially if a warranty claim has been rejected for a spurious reason.

You might have to wait a while for your money, but your roof needs attention right now. You can get an affordable quote from reliable roofers in Marietta who know what replacement entails and sympathize with your plight. While there might not be such an impressive warranty, the materials used will have proven themselves over many years in all weather conditions.

While this whole issue is very disturbing, just keep calm and try not to let it worry you overmuch. It is probable the class action will succeed, and there will probably be a massive payout to cover the cost of repairs. In the meantime, a good roofing company can recommend a relatively trouble-replacement product.

if your home in Marietta has these Atlas Chalet Shingles, you need to act now. If you wait, you could face potentially face a problem trying to claim from insurance for storm damage. An experienced roofer can notify you of a hidden problem and provide a replacement quote you can live with.

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