
mardi 2 janvier 2018

Easy Contemplative Practices That Will Transform Your Life

By Harold Bailey

The thought of a contemplative life might pass as a boring one only reserved for monks or some elite with a utopia mentality. However, contemplative practices are open to all and have a profound effect on the life of those who take them up. You do not need a monastery or going off to some island at a distant land. Here are daily engagements that will have a tremendous positive effect on your life.

Journal writing is one of the activities that passes as ordinary. However, as you scribble in the journal, you reflect on the events of your day. These reflections help you to discern the ups and downs and also make amends alongside chatting a better path in life. The journal does not have to be detailed or for publication. Remember that these are personal reflections that will change your life.

Creating a ritual in life will enable you reflect on your routines. Begin by creating a corner that is sacred and defining personal spaces wherever you live. These spaces come with a relaxing feeling that is rewarding to your body, soul and mind. You may participate in retreats and ceremonies organized with stillness and reflection in mind. At the end of such activities, your mind will be clearer and a reasonable path in life established.

Movement has a relaxing or centering effect. Some of the common movement ideas include dance, tai-i chi, labyrinth walking and yoga, among others. These movements insist on a sense of discipline and obedience to routine. Walk at the park or such serene places with the aim of achieving quietness.

Relationship building is an effective way to achieve stillness. Some of the activities that will enhance your relationships and deliver the stillness required include telling stories about virtues, listening deeply and engaging in reflective dialogues. You may also want to join counsel circles that enable you to aspire for great things, not only for you but the society as well.

Activism is an effective way to engage in contemplation and thus be a better person. It delivers a centering effect that gets to your mind and soul. Activists envision a better world when they participate in vigils and marches aimed and pushing for a better world. Volunteering will also deliver the desired stillness besides witnessing goodness through your actions to the environment and people around you.

A creative mind is one that focuses on an idea and wants it to be better or extra ordinary. Being a creative gives you a chance to imagine and actualize. Artistic forms you can engage in include collage, sculpturing and drawing. Singing and composing songs is another viable option for people who want to live a reflective life. Through art, you re-imagine a better world and also create it. Communicating with these art forms brings profound insights.

Meditation in itself is a way to achieve stillness. This includes participating in centering activities where you actually push your spirit into searching for stillness. It creates awareness of your environment and thus allows you to better interact with the surrounding. This will raise your potential and make you more aware of what you can achieve. It is a rewarding experience especially when you really connect with your surrounding.

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