
jeudi 21 janvier 2016

Actions Are Far Greater Than Words

By Evan Sanders

When it comes down to it, words are what you think you are and actions are what you really are.

While words are incredibly powerful, they are not what actually gets anything done. What really gets things done is being able to "do" what you say you're going to do.

Simply put, if you want to change your life, guess what you have to do? Change your actions.

I'm going to give you an incredible tip that has worked in my life time and time again whenever I felt like I was stuck. But before we dive into that, I want to come back to the concept of actions being louder than words.

While your actions have a lot to do with your commitments and priorities in life, there's something deeper at play. Your actions are a massive reflection of who you truly are as a person.

And what does it say? I am a person of integrity. When I give you my word, you can assume it's as good as done already.

To take it even further...

When you get to a place of actions perfectly matching up with words, you are entering a world of being able to truly step into the best version of yourself.

So if you tell yourself or another that you're going to do something, make sure you do it. Washing the dishes, cleaning your room, finishing a presentation, making a sales call...whatever it may be.

Every time you don't do what you say you're going to do you actually lose a little bit of trust in yourself.

It's imperative that you keep your word and your ability to trust in yourself. When you lose that trust in yourself, you set yourself up for one hell of a battle.

Get it done.

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