
jeudi 25 juin 2015

Safety Tips To Enjoy Tropical Plants Houston

By Francis Riggs

The summer months are here and you are thinking about getting out in the garden and working in your garden. It is the time of year when people want to be out among friends and enjoying the air because they have been trapped inside all winter long. There is a lot to consider for your health and safety while out enjoying outside and your tropical plants Houston TX. You want to follow a few safety tips while outside in the heat.

Learn the signs that you might be having trouble with allergies. If you have other underlying health conditions, and the problem you have now is different, it just might be associated with allergies. However, it is up to you to determine that something different is going on with your body. Ask your health care provider about what you can do to help the problem.

While out gardening it is important for seniors to keep their tools within reach. Stretching and reaching for items can cause a lot of strain on the seniors body. Use reaching tools to grab things far away, or tools that have been put up high. It is important to remain on steady ground, a fall could cause the senior to lie out in the heat too long and suffer heat exhaustion, or worse a heat stroke.

Be sure to get in plenty of water. It cannot be stressed enough that water is a vital part of being of your health and being able to stay active. Remember, a large portion of the body is made up of water. So, most people know that they have to replenish the body of fluids when it is running low. Hydrate your body before going out and hydrate it when coming back inside. You cannot get enough water. Try to avoid caffeine products when out in the heat. Those products are usually known to actually dehydrate you more.

Not only do you have to worry about allergies while outdoors, but you have to be on the lookout for ticks, spiders and other pests. These hard to see little insects can quickly latch on to your skin and cause you a lot of long-term trouble. It is best to wear clothing where you can see them crawling. Some people actually prefer to wear long-sleeves and pants while on the outside.

Keep fluids on hand while outside. Water bottles are perfect to take along while outside. It is recommended that all individuals drink eight 8ounce glasses of water daily. People who are taking medication need to consider drinking a bit more. Senior on the outside that have cognitive problems might have to be reminded when it is time to come in and when to drink water. That is why it is imperative to keep an eye on these individuals.

Keep a phone with you handy while you are on the outside. Emergencies can come up quickly. You want to be able to call for help when needed. It is also a good idea to let friends neighbors know when you are out doing activities in the yard.

Remember to always let someone know where you will be. If you plan to be on the outdoors for a couple of hours let a close friend know. The friend can check up on you to make sure you are safe and have not taken ill while on the outside. It is always better to be safe than sorry. Most people will have no problem with giving you a call or just stopping by to make sure that you are alright.

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